Our 5 track e.p. 'SOON' will be available to download for FREE THIS FRIDAY ...
here's some more info, if you're into info, or information ...
Recorded, mixed and mastered in a two bedroom flat in one of the more grubby suburbs of Groning...en (NL), SOON began life as a simple home recording while the band's rehearsal space closed for summer 2012.
An idea that initially looked like a conventional acoustic e.p. quickly evolved into a handful of irksome songs (some reworked surprises and some brand new) made with sounds found under the restrictions that they could only be recorded with one mic and couldn't be made by something plugged into anything else.
SOON is the product of a string of very impulsive moments spent reaching for any available object in order to find just the right sound.
These 'available objects' span from a pile of old newspapers and a nicotine yellowed copy of The Catcher In The Rye, through to a tea cup and a washing machine.
SOON is being shared with the big wide scary world for FREE this FRIDAY